

Riding waves since 2017...

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Dr Daniel Harris

Senior Lecturer

School of the Environment

The University of Queensland

St Lucia QLD 4072


Screenshot of a comment on a GitHub issue showing an image, added in the Markdown, of an Octocat smiling and raising a tentacle.

Academic Staff

Dr Dylan Cowley

PhD Candidates

Atefeh Sansoleimani

Su Zhou

Maria Kottenmair

Josh Reid

With Civil Engineering: Dongfang Liu ,Wen Deng

With the Marine Spatial Ecology Lab: Greta Sartori, Hannah Allen, Roima Paewai-Huggins

Research Students (Honours and Masters)

Aponi Langsford-Mann

Alyssa Silbey

Avigna Kumar

Past Beachlab Members and Collaborators

PhD Students

Yongjing Mao (UNSW) Tania Kenyon (MSEL, UQ)