Riding waves since 2017...
Maintaining the journal article list below is, at best, a sporadic endeavour so feel free to check out the google scholar profile to see the latest list of science publications.
Harris, D.L., Webster, J.M., Vila-Concejo, A., Duce, S., Leon, J.X., Hacker, J., 2023. Defining multi-scale surface roughness of a coral reef using a high-resolution LiDAR digital elevation model. Geomorphology, 439, 108852.
Kenyon, T.M., Harris, D., Baldock, T., Callaghan, D., Doropoulos, C., Webb, G., Newman, S.P., Mumby, P.J., 2023. Mobilisation thresholds for coral rubble and consequences for windows of reef recovery. Biogeosciences Discuss., 2023, 1-28.
Vos, K., Splinter, K.D., Palomar-Vázquez, J., Pardo-Pascual, J.E., Almonacid-Caballer, J., Cabezas-Rabadán, C., Kras, E.C., Luijendijk, A.P., Calkoen, F., Almeida, L.P., Pais, D., Klein, A.H.F., Mao, Y., Harris, D., Castelle, B., Buscombe, D., Vitousek, S., 2023. Benchmarking satellite-derived shoreline mapping algorithms. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 345.
Cowley, D., Harris, D.L., 2023. Wave-driven sediment transport potential on a tropical coast: Implications for the northeastern Australian sediment budget. Marine Geology, 463, 107104.
Kenyon, T. M., Doropoulos, C., Wolfe, K., Webb, G. E., Dove, S., Harris, D.L., and Mumby, P. J. 2023. Coral rubble dynamics in the Anthropocene and implications for reef recovery. Limnology and Oceanography, 68(1), 110-147.
Sansoleimani, A., Webb, G. E., Harris, D. L., Phinn, S. R., and Roelfsema, C. M. 2022. Antecedent topography and active tectonic controls on Holocene reef geomorphology in the Great Barrier Reef. Geomorphology, 413, 108354.
Mao, Y., Harris, D.L., Xie, Z. and Phinn, S., 2022. Global coastal geomorphology–integrating earth observation and geospatial data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 278, p.113082.
Cowley, D., Harris, D. L., Moss, P. T., and Shulmeister, J. 2022. Beach narrowing on prograding coasts: Examples from the tropics to subtropics of eastern Australia. Geomorphology, 401, 108110.
Mao, Y., Harris, D. L., Xie, Z., and Phinn, S. 2021. Efficient measurement of large-scale decadal shoreline change with increased accuracy in tide-dominated coastal environments with Google Earth Engine. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 181, 385-399.
Browne, N.K., Cuttler, M., Moon, K., Morgan, K., Ross, C.L., Castro-Sanguino, C., Kennedy, E., Harris, D., Barnes, P., Bauman, A. and Beetham, E., 2021. Predicting responses of geo-ecological car- bonate reef systems to climate change: a conceptual model and review. In Oceanography and Marine Biology. Taylor and Francis.
Thran, M.C., Brune, S., Webster, J.M., Dominey-Howes, D. and Harris, D., 2021. Examining the impact of the Great Barrier Reef on tsunami propagation using numerical simulations. Natural Haz- ards, 108(1), pp.347-388.
Mao, Y., Harris, D. L., Callaghan, D. P., and Phinn, S. 2021. Determining the shoreline retreat rate of Australia using Discrete and Hybrid Bayesian networks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126, e2021JF006112. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JF006112
Talavera, L.; Vila-Concejo, A.; Webster, J.M.; Smith, C.; Duce, S.; Fellowes, T.E.; Salles, T.; Har- ris, D.; Hill, J.; Figueira, W.; et al. Morphodynamic Controls for Growth and Evolution of a Rubble Coral Island. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1582. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13081582
Grol Monique G. G., Vercelloni Julie, Kenyon Tania M., Bayraktarov Elisa, van den Berg Cedric P., Harris Daniel, Loder Jennifer A., Mihaljevi ́c Morana, Rowland Phebe I., Roelfsema Chris M. 2021. Conservation value of a subtropical reef in south-eastern Queensland, Australia, highlighted by citizen- science efforts. Marine and Freshwater Research 72, 1-13.
Wenger, AS, Harris, D, Weber, S, et al. Best-practice forestry management delivers diminishing returns for coral reefs with increased land-clearing. J Appl Ecol. 2020; 57: 2381– 2392. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365- 2664.13743
Harris, D. L., Vila-Concejo, A., Austin, T., and Benavente, J. 2020. Multi-scale morphodynamics of an estuarine beach adjacent to a flood-tide delta: Assessing decadal scale erosion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 241, 106759.
Carlot, J., Rovere, A., Casella, E., Harris, D., Grellet-Mun ̃oz, C., Chancerelle, Y., Dormy, E., Hedo- uin, L. and Parravicini, V., 2020. Community composition predicts photogrammetry-based structural complexity on coral reefs. Coral Reefs, 39, pp.967-975.
B. Lyons, M., M. Roelfsema, C., V. Kennedy, E., M. Kovacs, E., Borrego-Acevedo, R., Markey, K., Roe, M., M. Yuwono, D., L. Harris, D., R. Phinn, S. and Asner, G.P., 2020. Mapping the world’s coral reefs using a global multiscale earth observation framework. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 6(4), pp.557-568.
Cowley, D. and Harris, D.L., 2020. A review of wave climate trends for the eastern coast of Queensland, Australia, from 1976-2018. Journal of Coastal Research, 95(SI), pp.1401-1405.
Stringari, C.E., Harris, D.L. and Power, H.E., 2019. A novel machine learning algorithm for track- ing remotely sensed waves in the surf zone. Coastal Engineering, 147, pp.149-158.
Harris, D. L., Power, H. E., Kinsela, M. A., Webster, J. M., and Vila-Concejo, A. 2018b. Variabil- ity of depth-limited waves in coral reef surf zones. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 211, 36-44.
Rovere, A., Casella, E., Harris, D.L., Lorscheid, T., Nandasena, N.A., Dyer, B., Sandstrom, M.R., Stocchi, P., D’Andrea, W.J. and Raymo, M.E., 2018. Reply to Hearty and Tormey: Use the scientific method to test geologic hypotheses, because rocks do not whisper. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(13), pp.E2904-E2905.
Harris D.L, Rovere, A., Casella, E., Power, H.E., Canavesio, R., Collin, A., Pomeroy, A.W., and Parravicini, V. Coral reef structural complexity provides important coastal protection from waves under rising sea levels. 2018a. Science Advances. Science advances 4 (2), eaao4350.
Lau, A.A., Terry, J.P., Ziegler, A., Pratap, A. and Harris, D., 2018. Boulder emplacement and re- mobilisation by cyclone and submarine landslide tsunami waves near Suva City, Fiji. Sedimentary Geology, 364, pp.242-257.
Norman, K., Inglis, J., Clarkson, C., Faith, J.T., Shulmeister, J. and Harris, D., 2018. An early colonisation pathway into northwest Australia 70-60,000 years ago. Quaternary Science Reviews, 180, pp.229-239.
Rovere, A., Casella, E., Harris, D.L., Lorscheid, T., Nandasena, N.A., Dyer, B., Sandstrom, M.R., Stocchi, P., D’Andrea, W.J. and Raymo, M.E., 2017. Giant boulders and Last Interglacial storm inten- sity in the North Atlantic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(46), pp.12144-12149.
Gacutan, J., Vila-Concejo, A., Nothdurft, L.D., Fellowes, T.E., Cathey, H.E., Opdyke, B.N., Har- ris, D.L., Hamylton, S., Carvalho, R.C., Byrne, M. and Webster, J.M., 2017. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca as novel geochemical proxies for understanding sediment transport processes within coral reefs. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 197, pp.54-68.
Fellowes, T.E., Gacutan, J., Harris, D.L., Vila-Concejo, A., Webster, J.M. and Byrne, M., 2017. Pat- terns of sediment transport using foraminifera tracers across sand aprons on the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Coastal Research, 33(4), pp.864-873.
Casella, E., Collin, A., Harris, D., Ferse, S., Bejarano, S., Parravicini, V., Hench, J.L. and Rovere, A. 2017. Mapping coral reefs using consumer-grade drones and structure from motion photogrammetry techniques. Coral Reefs, 36(1), 269-275.
Bryson, M., Duce, S., Harris, D., Webster, J.M., Thompson, A., Vila-Concejo, A. and Williams, S.B., 2016. Geomorphic changes of a coral shingle cay measured using kite aerial photography. Geomorphol- ogy, 270, pp.1-8.
Rovere, A., Raymo, M.E., Vacchi, M., Lorscheid, T., Stocchi, P., Gomez-Pujol, L., Harris, D.L., Casella, E., O’Leary, M.J. and Hearty, P.J., 2016. The analysis of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) relative sea-level indicators: Reconstructing sea-level in a warmer world. Earth-Science Reviews, 159, pp.404-427.
Dechnik, B., Webster, J.M., Nothdurft, L., Webb, G.E., Zhao, J.X., Duce, S., Braga, J.C., Harris, D.L., Vila-Concejo, A. and Puotinen, M., 2016. Influence of hydrodynamic energy on Holocene reef flat accretion, Great Barrier Reef. Quaternary Research, 85(1), pp.44-53.
Harris, D.L., Vila-Concejo, A., Power, H.E., Webster, J.M., 2015a. Spatial variations in wave transfor- mation and sediment entrainment on a coral reef sand apron. Marine Geology 363, 220-229.
Harris, D.L., Webster, J.M., Vila-Concejo, A., 2015b. Late-Holocene sea level fall and turn-off of reef platform carbonate production: Re-thinking bucket fill and Holocene reef growth models. Geology 43 (2), 175-178.
Harris, D.L., Vila-Concejo, A., Webster, J.M., 2014. Geomorphology and sediment transport on a submerged back-reef sand apron. Geomorphology, 222, 132-142.
Vila-Concejo, A., Harris, D.L., Power, H.E., Shannon, A.M. and Webster, J.M., 2014. Sediment transport and mixing depth on a coral reef sand apron. Geomorphology, 222, pp.143-150.
Gischler, E., Dietrich, S., Harris, D., Webster, J.M. and Ginsburg, R.N., 2013. A comparative study of modern carbonate mud in reefs and carbonate platforms: Mostly biogenic, some precipitated. Sedi- mentary Geology, 292, pp.36-55.
Harris, D.L. and Vila-Concejo, A., 2013. Wave transformation on a coral reef rubble platform. Journal of Coastal Research, (65), pp.506-510.
Vila-Concejo, A., Harris, D.L., Shannon, A.M., Webster, J.M. and Power, H.E., 2013. Coral reef sediment dynamics: evidence of sand-apron evolution on a daily and decadal scale. Journal of Coastal Research, (65), pp.606-611.
Vila-Concejo, A., Austin, T.P., Harris, D.L., Hughes, M.G., Short, A.D. and Ranasinghe, R.W., 2011. Estuarine beach evolution in relation to a flood-tide delta. Journal of Coastal Research, pp.190-194.
Harris, D.L., Webster, J.M., De Carli, E.V. and Vila-Concejo, A., 2011. Geomorphology and morpho- dynamics of a sand apron, One Tree reef, southern Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Coastal Research, pp.760-764.
Benavente, J., Harris, D.L., Austin, T.P. and Vila-Concejo, A., 2011. Medium term behavior and evolution of a beach cusps system in a low energy beach, Port Stephens, NSW, Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, pp.170-174.
A few press releases and news articles. They are a combination of press releases and interviews for our research outputs and comment to the media on coastal issues. There are more interviews and press releases out there for our work but this list provides a short overview (hopefully links are still active). I don’t really actively seek much media outreach nowadays given the time it can take out (I discovered recently I am those people who prefers an afternoon in MATLAB) but there usually one or two interviews a year. I’m actually quite hard to find since Daniel/Dan Harris is a super common name and you are more likely to find the AFL Footballer, the Cricketer, or the American News Presenter turned Meditation writer/podcaster.
The Conversation
Why some beaches, including in Queensland, are getting bigger despite rising sea levels
Some Queensland Outlets
Queensland’s ‘other sea change’ is altering the coastline forever
ABC News
Parts of Queensland’s coastline identified as global hotspots for sea level rise
What makes Queensland beaches so beautiful? NSW dirt — and longshore drift
More coastal erosion likely as low pressure system brings dangerous surf to east coast
Press Releases
Dying reefs bigger threat to coasts than rising seas
Small drop in sea level had big impact on southern Great Barrier Reef
A few random science blogs
Great Barrier Reef decline could impact Queensland’s coastal erosion
Loss Of Coral Could Threaten Coastlines More Than Sea Level Rise