

Riding waves since 2017...

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Teaching is a core component of the work conducted by members of the Beachlab and Dan is a passionate teacher covering many topics in geography and marine science (see list of courses taught at UQ as evidence). He is also the Deputy Teaching and Learning Director for the School of Environment at UQ. The goal of the courses and content we teach is to provide a base of skills and knowledge that students can build off in their future academic and professional careers. The content in the lectures always link to the workshops, practicals and field work components of the course. We use real world data, models and examples in our workshops but take care to do the ground work to ensure we can spend time teaching the critical content and knowledge even when using advanced software. Where possible, we also teach in the field to immerse students in the natural systems they are studying and working on. We run multiple field trips to Minjerribah - North Stradbroke Island and Heron Island.

Teaching at UQ

Dan teaches a number of courses at The University of Queensland and is also the Geographical Sciences coordinator for UQ.

Current Course List

2nd Year:

MARS2001 (Sem 1): Practical Marine Science

GEOS2100 (Sem 1): Biogeography and Geomorphology

GEOS2105 (Sem 2): Geography of Australia

3rd Year and Masters:

ENVM3200/7200 (Sem 1): Coastal Environments and Processes (coordinator) (with Dr Dylan Cowley)

ERTH3212 (Sem 2): Coral Reefs: Past, Present, Future